26 November, 2011

i am thankful for

hot coffee,
and warm hats.
crowded buses,
and nearly empty streets.
red balloons that make me think of Le ballon rouge.

turkeys of all kinds.
time  to  stand  still .

22 November, 2011

wish list

 Do you remember getting the Toys-R-Us catalog right around Thanksgiving and circling everything you wanted for Christmas? That was always so much fun. It meant putting X's on the calendar each night as we got one day closer to Christmas, thinking about the airplane to Grandma & Grandpa's house, and dreams of snow! I never expected to get half the things I marked in that catalog, but, in a way, putting that circle around them made them mine in my head. So, in the spirit of playful dreams and extreme satisfaction even with none of them, here is my wishlist:

  • An Ashtanga Yoga DVD so I can practice even on the days when I can't make it to the studio.
  • The coolest cookie cutters I've ever seen!
  • A whistling  teakettle, because sometimes Ian forgets about the boiling pot he leaves on the stove for tea.
  • A bunch of these candles (in autumnal and wintry scents) to make a cozy fireplace effect.
  • Headphones that won't hurt my ear after listening to multiple lectures on double-speed.
  • A book of this incredible photographer.
  • My water filter broke over a year ago and a still haven't replaced it!
  • I don't think I have gotten one of these since the days when my sister and I got matching Christmas dresses every year.
  • This outfit.
  • Pretty much anything in this online magazine.  
  • A very unique locket.
  •  Well, why not?
  • A beautiful bicycle bag.
  • While I'm dreaming away, I'd also love to find the perfect perfume.

What's on your list? 

11 November, 2011

we belong to each other

"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other."

- Mother Teresa

10 November, 2011

playing with light

The days are getting shorter. I am waking up earlier so that I don't miss a single beam of sunlight. Though it is now quite gray, when I opened the curtains to my window at 7am the sun filled the room with a beautiful orange glow that echoed the orange bushes in my back yard.

Light is such an amazing thing. It has a profound impact on my mood and the quality of the day. When the sun streams through the window I have more energy and feel more inspired to study. Here are some photographs of playing with light throughout the year.



02 November, 2011

transfigured autumn

The year has reached its mighty ending
With golden wine and fruit of gardens.
Forests around keep wondrous peace
And are companions to the lonely.

Then says the farmer: it is good.
You evening bells prolonged and quiet
Still at the last give us good heart.
A flock of birds hails on its journey.

It is the season of mild love. 
Down the blue river in a boat
How image follows lovely image -
Then all goes down in rest and silence.

-Georg Trakl

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